Quality customizations to Sage 300 built using Orchid Extender.

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Open Source Projects and Training

Much of what we build is only possible because of open source tools created and maintained by the community. In order to contribute in kind, much of what we create is shared back with the community.

Here you will find links to open source projects maintained, and training courses delivered, by Poplar Development.

Customization Manager

Customization Manager Source on BitBucket cbinckly/expip

Customization Manager Docs on readthedocs.io customization-manager.rtfd.io

Customization Manager unlocks the full potential of Python by making it easy to install and manage Python packages in the Extender environment.

extools - utilities for Extender

extools - utilities for Extender Source on BitBucket cbinckly/extools

extools - utilities for Extender Docs on readthedocs.io extools.rtfd.io

The extools package provides a number of functions and classes to make it easier to write clear, concise, Python code in scripts and modules for Extender.

Fleeting Forms

Fleeting Forms Source on BitBucket cbinckly/fleetingforms

Fleeting Forms Docs on readthedocs.io fleetingforms.rtfd.io

The fleeting forms webservice provides a rich form generation API. It is used to programatically create forms and collect their results. Fleeting forms are used to extend validated data collection for legacy applications to the cloud and enable access from beyond the firewall.

The Fleeting Forms webservice is deployed in AWS to support fleetingforms.io.

Training - Add an OE Order Line

Training - Add an OE Order Line Source on BitBucket cbinckly/poplar_oeaddlne

Training - Add an OE Order Line Docs on readthedocs.io poplar-oeaddlne.rtfd.io

A two hour training session that introduces the basics of Orchid Extender through the implmentation of scripts that automatically add a line to an OE Order in Sage 300.

Training - Extender Developer Training

Training - Extender Developer Training Source on BitBucket cbinckly/poplar_tpac2020

Training - Extender Developer Training Docs on readthedocs.io poplar-tpac2020.rtfd.io

A two day training session introducing Python and Extender development. Rich with code examples, this repository is a great place to start for new Extender developers.

Remote Actions Module

Remote Actions Module Source on BitBucket cbinckly/remote_actions

Remote Actions Module Docs on readthedocs.io remote-actions.rtfd.io

The remote actions module for Extender works with the fleetingforms.io webservice to securely collect input from users from outside the corporate network. This enables new workflows with Sage, such as remote approvals, and powers Orchid’s Remote Action product.