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Unique PO Numbers in A/P Invoices poplar_uniqappo - packaged - included with Standard Edition

Unique PO Numbers in A/P Invoices is a simple customization that enforces the use of a unique PO Number in the A/P Invoice entry screen.

How does it work?

This customization connects to the A/P Invoice Entry screen and monitors the PO Number field. When the field is changed, if a value is set, the customization checks whether it has been used in any other A/P Invoice Entry. If so, the user is notified that the PO is a duplicate.

In the event that a duplicate PO Number is in place when the entry is saved, the save will be stopped and a warning issued to the user.


The demo below begins with the default Sage behaviour, which allows PO Numbers to be reused across multiple A/P Invoice entries. Using Customization Manager, the Unique PO Numbers in A/P Invoices customization is installed and then the added validation on the PO Number field is demonstrated.


The Unique PO Numbers in A/P Invoices customization is included with a Customization Manager Standard license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.