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P/O Optional Field Copy - Header to Detail poplar_pocpoptf - packaged

This customization automatically copies P/O Header optional fields to detail line optional fields if the fields have not been manually set.

The customization looks at the configured fields on the line and automatically detects header optional fields with the same name. If a detail line optional field name matches a header optional field name and the detail line optional field is unset, the header optional field value is copied.

How does it work?

The P/O Optional Field Copy customization automatically detects optional fields that are present on both the P/O Header and P/O Detail line. For any field that is present on both, the value from the header is copied to the detail line if the value is unset.

If an optional field on the P/O header is changed, the change is propagated to all detail lines that have not been manually altered.


P/O Optional Field Copy:


The P/O Optional Field Copy - Header to Detail customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.