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Ounce Taxes (Custom Taxes by Destination) poplar_ouncetaxes - tailored

The Ounce Taxes customization automatically calculates and adds an additional tax to items in O/E Orders, Shipments, and Credit/Debit Notes when they are of a particular item category and destined to a particular postal code, city, or state. The tax is calculated based on a non-stocking Unit of Measure for the I/C item.

Although this customization was originally built to cater for Fizzy Drinks taxes in a US cities, it is easily adapted to any tax that applies only in certain locations or that is calculated using a non-stocking UOM.

Business Case

Some jurisdictions apply taxes on specific items, such as fizzy drink or single-use plastic taxes. Applying these taxes consistently by hand is both time consuming and error prone. This can be amplified in the case where, like fizzy drinks, the taxes are applied to a different Unit of Measure than ordered

This customization applies location based taxes, optionally with a different unit of measure than the order line, automatically.

How does it work?

The Ounce Taxes customization monitors the O/E Order header. Before an order is created or updated, it checks each item to see whether location based taxes apply to the customer and or item tax authorities.

If so, tax calculations are set to manual and calculated for the order.


Ounce Taxes:


The Ounce Taxes (Custom Taxes by Destination) customization must be tailored to fit the customer environment. There is a one-time development cost in addition to the base cost for the customization. For a free assessment and quote, contact us.

The Ounce Taxes (Custom Taxes by Destination) customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.