Quality customizations to Sage 300 built using Orchid Extender.

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Streamlined Order Entry poplar_oestream - tailored

For businesses that handle large order volumes, this customization simplifies the screen and implements a default print behaviour, skipping prompts to print after post.

A more streamlined order entry experience.

Business Case

Handling large numbers of orders manually can be time consuming and error prone. By focusing the screen on only the information required and removing prompts that interrupt the operator’s flow, order input can be made more consistent and be done in less time.



The Streamlined Order Entry customization must be tailored to fit the customer environment. There is a one-time development cost in addition to the base cost for the customization. For a free assessment and quote, contact us.

The Streamlined Order Entry customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.