Quality customizations to Sage 300 built using Orchid Extender.

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Validate Country, State, Embargoes poplar_isocodes - packaged - included with Standard Edition

The Validate Country, State, Embargoes customization enforces the use of valid ISO-3166 Country and State codes in any address fields in Sage and stops addresses from being entered for embargoed countries.

Business Case

Poor quality address data has a number of costs: not only failed or repeated shipments and address correction fees but also poor reporting by location and geography.

The ISO Codes and Embargoes customization enforces the use of valid ISO-3166 Country and State codes in any address fields in Sage. This can help minimize the data entry error rate and the associated costs.

How does it work?

The ISO Codes and Embargoes customizations uses open source libraries to validate user input as addresses are being filled in.

It provides immediate feedback to the user when an invalid country or state code is input.

The customization also creates a custom table for tracking embargoed countries. Attempts to save a record with an address in an embargoed country will result in an error.


ISO Codes and Embargoes:


The Validate Country, State, Embargoes customization is included with a Customization Manager Standard license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.