Quality customizations to Sage 300 built using Orchid Extender.
This is a base on which custom Excel Import can be built. Custom import routines can be more flexible than what is built-in, importing data across many views, or creating missing objects (such as customers, vendors, or ship-tos) during import.
Given an Excel file that needs importing, we tailor a version of this customization to match the import file.
With the custom importer in place, a new icon to import from excel is added to the Sage desktop. When run, a screen is opened prompting for the file to import.
Once the file has been imported, a full report is generated and displayed to the user, including the objects imported and any errors encountered.
The Import from Excel customization is compatible with Process Scheduler and can be setup to automaticalle import files present ina directory at interval - alloweing the import process to be fully automated.
The Import from Excel customization must be tailored to fit the customer environment. There is a one-time development cost in addition to the base cost for the customization. For a free assessment and quote, contact us.
The Import from Excel customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.
For more information or to buy a license, contact us.