Quality customizations to Sage 300 built using Orchid Extender.
Automatically add and manage environmental recycling fees to O/E Orders, Shipments, Invoices, Credit and Debit Notes, based on item category and order shipping destination.
It all begins with a custom table that is used to configure the Eco Fee for each item category and province combination.
When an order is posted, the Eco Fees customization checks each line to see if an environmental recycling fee is required. If so, and there is no fee present, a new line is added for the fee.
If a line is already present, it is updated to match the triggering line. The a fee line is left over after the triggering line was deleted, it is removed.
The demo below begins with the configuration of an eco fee for items in category A1 being sent to Ontario, and another for items in category A1 destined for British Columbia. Orders are then created for both destinations to demonstrate the automated adding, updating, and removal of fees.
The Eco Fees customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.
For more information or to buy a license, contact us.