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Auto-Post Batches with Specified Description poplar_autopost - tailored

The Auto-Post Batches with Specified Description customization is designed to be run either by hand or periodically using Process Scheduler.
It searches for Batches that are in the ‘Ready to Post’ state with a specific description and posts them.

This customization is often used to automatically post batches created through external integrations. The external program sets the batch description to a specific string and the batches are posted automatically by the customization.

How does it work?

Auto Post Batches is run at interval using Process Scheduler. On startup, it identifies all Batches with a description matching a user configured string.

All matched batches are posted. A report of all batches posted or errors encountered can optionally be sent over email to an administrator. The customization is designed to work on almost all Sage batch types and can be configured to match one or many different descriptions and/or batch types.


Automate Batch Posting:


The Auto-Post Batches with Specified Description customization must be tailored to fit the customer environment. There is a one-time development cost in addition to the base cost for the customization. For a free assessment and quote, contact us.

The Auto-Post Batches with Specified Description customization is offered either on a monthly subscription or a perpetual license.

For more information or to buy a license, contact us.